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Digital Governance Article by Crownpeak

Google Consent Mode now fully supported in Crownpeak's Universal Consent Platform (UCP).

As modern marketers, data and analytics are woven into every digital experience we create. They help us know who we are reaching, what is working, and what needs to be adjusted. We rely on the data to help us personalize and create better experiences. But, to better protect people, global privacy regulations have changed how we use and interact with that data.

Google Consent Mode is a new way to change how Google tags collect information and behave based on the consent status of site visitors, and we are excited to announce that it is fully supported in Crownpeak’s Universal Consent Platform (UCP). This integration, built in collaboration with Google, not only makes it simpler for Crownpeak customers to ensure their Google tags behave in a consent-aware manner but will also help preserve measurement in a privacy-safe way.

How does it work? 

Consent Mode works for Google products deployed through either Google site tags (gtag.js) or Google Tag Manager and affects tag behavior for two categories: analytics (Google Analytics) and ads (Google Ads, Floodlight). Consent Mode uses pings that are sent from each consent mode-enabled page a user visits to communicate the consent status (granted or denied) and if there are any changes to their consent status.

When consent is granted, both ad and analytics measurement functions are processed with default behaviors, but when consent is denied, it triggers alternate measurement states for the two categories.


If consent is denied for Google Analytics, personally identifiable information is not recorded; however, you will still receive aggregate and non-identifying information such as how many visitors your site gets, where they came from, and whether they clicked on one of your ads.


If consent is denied for Google Ads and Floodlight, no new advertising cookies are written or read. The visitor can still be shown ads that are personalized based on contextual information, but no identifiable information will be used for personalization.

Universal Consent Platform + Consent Mode

Together, UCP and Consent Mode help marketers leverage customer data in a way that respects user privacy and complies with global regulations. Consent notices built in UCP are simple to implement, can be fully customized to match your brand’s look and feel, and are geo-aware, so different notices can be shown in different countries. For more detailed information on how consent mode works in UCP, check out the implementation guide, or to learn more about how UCP can help your organization get compliant today, sign up for a free trial or request a demo today.

Syndicated blog post by Crownpeak. For original content, click here.

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